
10 - Simplifying Statements #1

 1. Simplify the following statement: ~(A * B) * (~A + B) * (~B + B)
Note: + = OR; * = AND; ~ = NOT





 2. We can get from ~(A * B) * (~A + B) to (~A + ~B) * (~A + B) using which of the following laws:




  Double Negation

 3. A * B = B * A describes the ________________ law


  Double Negation



 4. The following expression could be simplified to: (A+B)*C+(B+A)*C*(B+B) ……


   (A + B) * C



 5. Simplify the following expression: A*(A+B)*C*(B+C)*C*(B+C)


  A * C



 6. Simplify the following expression: A*(A+B)*C*(B+C)*C*(B+C)+~(~C)





 7. Simplify the following expression: A+B+C*(A+B)




   (A + B) * C

 8. Simplify the following expression: A*(A+B+C+A+B+A)





 9. A*(A+B+C+D) can be reduced to:





 10. ~A+ A + ~B + B can be reduced to:

  FALSE (0)

  TRUE (1)

