
12 - Vector

 1. A vector, in computing, is generally a _________. typically storing numbers.

  two dimensional stack

  three dimensional array

  one dimensional linked list

  one dimensional array

 2. Vectors typically have ______ unlike lists and queues.

  sizes of no more than 2 bits for efficiency

  sizes of no more than 8 bits

  fixed sizes

  variable sizes

 3. The vector data structure can be used to represent the mathematical vector used in linear algebra
 Vectors are often used in computing in computer graphics and simulating physical systems.



 4. The following shows how a simple vector could be represented as a _______________
R = (X, Y ) 

  A function

  A linked list

  An arrow

  A list

 5. The following image demonstrates how a simple vector could be represented as _________________

  A list

  A linked list

  A function

  An arrow

 6. The following shows how you could represent a simple vector as a function.
F  :   S ---> R



 7. Which of the following statements best describes what is happening in the following code:
{0: Val1, 1: Val2, 2: Val3, 3: Val4...}

  A dictionary structure is being used to represent a vector

  A vector is being used to represent a linked list

  A list is being used to represent a vector

  A vector is being used to represent a hash table's keys

 8. What is the following visualisation showing?
Note: the visualisation also shows the effect that is had upon the vector

  This is showing how to create triangles and different shapes from vectors

  It is showing how to cut a vector in half - this is useful in game design

  Two right angle triangles with components added together - shows how you can add two vectors together

  The visualisation is depicting the multiplication of the sides of a vector

 9. A scalar is a value by which you __________________

  multiply a vector.

  add two vectors together

  increment the value of the adjacent vectors

  subtract one vector from another

 10. A scalar represents the scale by which you want to increase or decrease the vector.



 11. What is the following excerpt showing/demonstrating:
Multiplying two vectors together to produce 
another vector. 

For example: A =
(3,5) and B= (7,2)
Therefore the new vector will be

>> 3 x 7 + 5 x 2 = 31. 

  The result when one vector is scaled to the given size (e.g. 3,5)

  The dot product of two vectors

  The sum + 1 of two vectors

  The beta product of two vectors

 12. Read the following excerpt on convex combination and decide which of the statements provided are true.
Convex combination of vectors? 


A method of multiplying vectors that would
then produce the resulting vector within the 
convex hull - This is a spatial representation 
of the  vector space between two vectors. 

Mathematically speaking: to perform what is known
as a convex combination, you will be multiplying
one vector either by a scalar, or by another vector. 

This could be represented as: 

D = ?AB + ?AC 

Which of the following statements are true?

1. A and A are the two vectors

2. ? and ? represent the real number that each 
vector will be multiplied by

3. ? and ? must both be greater than or equal 
to 0 and ? + ? must equal 1.

4. D will then fall within the vector space.

5. AB and AC are the two vectors

6. ? and ? represent the two vectors

  All of the statements are true

  The statements 2,3,4,5 are all true (1 and 6 are not)

  Only 1, 2 and 5 are true

  The statements 2,4,6 are true - the rest are not

 13. A vector quantity has both direction and ________________

  magnitude (size).

  pixels (resolution depth)

  quantity (no of elements inside it)

  colour (scalar depth)

 14. A negative vector has the same magnitude as well as the exact same direction



 15. Vectors can be multiplied by a scalar which changes the size of the vector _________________

  as well as the direction

  as well as the colour and resolution

  but not the direction.

  as well as both the shape and direction