
06 - Interupts and ISR in the FDE

 1. Pausing processes is essential for multi-tasking.



 2. Polling is sometimes also known as …

  polled I/T

  polled O/S

  polled P/O

  polled I/O

 3. Polling means the active sampling of the status of an ______ ______ by a client program.

  external device

  integral component

  aggrevated user

  active program

 4. What is a disadvantage of polling?

  It can only be used on RISC computers

  Continual checks are an inefficient use of the CPU

  It can cause memory problems

  Implementation is very complex

 5. An interrupt is a signal to the _____ from hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention.





 6. The interrupt will typically have a _____ label that tells the CPU to either stop or continue the current process.





 7. The interrupt will cause the CPU to run an ISR. What does this stand for?

  Interrupt Service Routine

  Immediate Subroutine Resistor

  Inter Service Register

  Integral Server Route

 8. The CPU checks the interrupt _____ after each Fetch-Decode-Execute (FDE) cycle.





 9. Moving from another process to an ISR is known as …

  practical exchanging

  interrupt transferral

  context switching

  polling shift

 10. Too many interrupts can cause …

  stack overflow


  disk thrashing

  memory overload