
01 - System Software

 1. System software provides a '____ ' for other software.



  roof garden


 2. Systems software operates computer …





 3. An operating system is not an example of system software.



 4. What is utility software?

  Software that controls heating, lighting and water in a house

  Software that can be used to create online content

  System software that can be used for various applications

  System software that analyses, configures, optimises or maintais a computer

 5. A device driver is an example of system software.



 6. What is a linker?

  System software that connections applications

  System software that connects primary and secondary storage

  System software that combines object files into a single file

  System software that executes hyperlinks

 7. C is often used for system programming.



 8. Which of these is a system programming language developed by Mozilla?





 9. Translators are examples of system software.



 10. In the example below, the distinction between application and system software …
Chrome OS is an operating system and a browser.

  is obvious

  can be easily defined

  is not very clear

  is very clear