
02 - System and Application Software

 1. System software is different from application software in that system's software is …..

  None of the above

  the software needed to run the computer's hardware and application programs

  the software that is 'harder' to the touch than application software

  the software that deals directly with the CPU

 2. Four types of systems software include: Off-the Shelf software, Proprietary sofware, Open Source and Library Programs



 3. Systems software includes: Utility programs and Translators. There are not other types of systems software.



 4. Which of the following is NOT a type of Applications Software:
Utility Programs
Off-the shelf
Custom written software
Open Source
Operating Systems
Library Programs

  Utility Programs, Translators, Operating Systems and Library Programs

  All of the listed items are Applications software

  Off-the shelf, Open Source and Library Programs

  Utility Programs, Off-the-shelf and Open Source

 5. Applications software can be categorised as:

  special purpose



  All of the above

 6. Which of the following is NOT 'General Purpose' Software?
Payroll sofware
Word Processor (e.g. Microsoft Word)
Spreadsheet (e.g. Excel)
Graphics Package
Hotel booking software
fingerprint scanning system

  Payroll software, Hotel booking software, fingerprint scanning system

  Graphics package, payroll software

  Word Processor, Graphics Package

  All of the above are general purpose software

 7. General purpose software can include a graphics package as it can be used to make ads, animations or edit photographs (general use)



 8. Special purpose software can be off-the-shelf and bespoke. Off-the-shelf is….

  specially written by a team of programmers for a specific company

  often literally bought off the shelf, for a specific purpose (e.g. payroll software)

  All of the above

  ready to use

 9. Bespoke software is also special purpose software but it is …

  more general in its operation

  less general and more hardware like in its function

  None of the above

  custom made and created/tailored specifically for an individual or organisation

 10. Which of the following are features of bespoke software?

  more costly and requires expertise to analyse document requirements

  Features are customised to user requirements and may take a long time to develop

  All of the above

  may contain errors which do not surface immediately

 11. Application software is ready to be installed immediately, well documented, tested, and is usually less expensive than bespoke software.



 12. Quetsions you would ask when selecting an application software to use include:

  All of the above

  Does it provide all the necessary functionality?

  Does it run on the available hardware?

  It is well used, tried and tested? How much will it cost?

 13. System software is the first layer of software to be loaded into memory every time a computer is powered up



 14. Translators are systems software that translate low level languages into high level languages.



 15. The boot program loads the operating system into the computer's main memory or random access memory (RAM).