
01 - What is Software

 1. There are two main types of software: Systems Software and Operating System Software



 2. Systems software is the software needed to run……

  None of the above

  the computer's software and word processing

  the computer's CPU

  the computer's hardware and appliation programs.

 3. Systems software includes:

  utilities programs

  operating systems

  All of the above

  libraries and programming language translators

 4. Software differs from Hardware in that software is always tangible (something you can touch)



 5. Software includes things like Microsoft word, Power point but does not include games.



 6. An example of software is an internet browser like Google Chrome.



 7. Operating system's count as hardware as they control hardware



 8. Software has to be created by a programmer using some sort of programming language (i.e low or high level language)



 9. Software like 'Operating Systems' provide a user-friendly …………so that the complexity of the hardware is hidden from the user.


  compression face


  command line

 10. Software is stored directly in the control unit's accumulator, which is in the CPU.

