
08 - Final Test

 1. If you add together 1011 and 101 you get 1110111



 2. The binary system uses powers of ........for positional values.





 3. The binary addition 1 + 1 + 1 gives





 4. Binary is a _________ language that uses just two digits: 1 and 0

  base 2

  base 10

  base 1

  base 1 and 0

 5. The following shows the Binary number 10 (1010). If we wanted a larger number, what would go to the left of the 8?
      8   4   2  1
      1   0   1  0 





 6. 1 + 1 in Binary = 10

  False, because the answer should be 2

  True, because 10 is '2' in Binary

  True, because 10 is '4' which is how many bits there are x 2

  False, because 1 + 1 cannot be computed at all by a computer

 7. So, what really is a number? Think about the number 675 in decimal- what does it mean?

  The number 675 in decimal has six lots of '6', seven lots of '7' and five lots of '5'.

  The number 675 has 675 lots of one hundred

  None of the above

  The number 675, has six 'one hundreds', seven 'tens', and five, ones.

 8. The following diagram shows the place values for the number 675 in decimal (base 10). How do we get the place value 1000?

  10 to the power of 1000 would give us 1000

  10 to the power of 3 would give us 1000

  None of the above

  10 to the power of 10 would give us 1000

 9. Convert the following Binary number into Decimal.
Binary Number: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

128    64    32   16   8   4   2   1
 0      0    0    0    1   0   0   1
 =     ?





 10. Convert the given Binary number into Decimal.
Binary Number: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

128    64    32   16   8   4   2   1
 0      0    0    0    0   0   0   1
 =     ?





 11. Convert the given Binary number into Decimal.
Binary Number: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

128    64    32   16   8   4   2   1
 0      0    0    0    1   1   1   1
 =     ?





 12. Convert the following Binary number into Decimal.
Binary Number: 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

128    64    32   16   8   4   2   1
 1      2    0    0    0   0   0   0
 =     ?


  This is not a binary number so it cannot be done.



 13. 1000000000 is a Binary number. Can you use your knowledge of conversion of Binary to Decimal to suggest the answer - what is it in Decimal?

  This is not a binary number as they only go up to 8 bits




 14. Look at the following example showing the conversion from Binary to Decimal. Is it True(Correct) or False(Incorrect)?



 15. What is the largest number that can be represented (in Decimal) using just 8 binary bits. For example: 11111111

  8 bits can only represent 8

  255, because 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 255

  8 bits can represent 8 x 2 which is 16

  There is no limit - a million or billion can be represented using 8 bits

 16. Convert the following Binary number into Decimal (note that Decimal is sometimes referred to as Denary)
Binary Number: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

128    64    32   16   8   4   2   1
 1      0    0    0    0   0   0   0
 =     ?





 17. In the following table the binary answers are given in _______ bits.





 18. Represent the number 6 in Binary (in four bits)

  Answer: 1116

  Answer: 0110

  Answer: 0001

  Answer: 1001

 19. Represent the number 0 (in Decimal) in Binary (in four bits)

  This cannot be done

  Answer: 1000

  Answer: 0101

  Answer: 0000

 20. Represent the number 129 in Binary

  Answer: 00000001

  Answer: 10000001

  Answer: 100000111

  Answer: 111111111

 21. Represent the number 33 in Binary using eight bits





 22. How would you represent the number 2 billion in binary using eight bits?

  The answer would be 11111111

  It cannot be done in just eight bits


  The answer would be: 11110000

 23. Convert 133 (Decimal) into a Binary number.





 24. How would you represent 1 (Decimal) in Binary in just 1 bit?

  1 in Binary using just 1 bit would be 0

  1 in Binary using just 1 bit would be A

  This cannot be done

  1 in Binary using just 1 bit would just be 1

 25. In the ordinary decimal mathematics that you do in Math every day, 1 +0 = ?





 26. In Decimal 0 + 0 = 0 and in Binary 0 + 0 is equal to .....

  Answer: 0

  Answer: This cannot be done

  Answer: 00 (a double zero)

  Answer: 1

 27. In Decimal 1 + 1 = 2. But in Binary 1 + 1 = 10. This is also written as:

  1 Carry 0

  10 Carry 10

  0 Carry 1

  1 Carry 1

 28. In Binary addition 1 + 1 + 1 would equal 1 carry 1. (and that is written in Binary as 11) True or False?

  False. Just False.

  True - because 1 + 1 + 1 cannot be achieved in Binary so is shortened to just 11

  True, because 11 is 3 in binary

  False - this is wholly incorrect

 29. The colour depth of an image is measured in bits. The number of bits indicates how many colours are available for each pixel. In the black and white image, only ___ colours are needed. This means it has a colour depth of 1 bit. (1 bit can be either 0 or 1





 30. True or False? The more pixels on the screen, the higher the resolution and the better the quality of the picture will be.



 31. Image files can be either bitmaps or vectors. Which of the following statements are true of bitmap images?

  Neither statement is true

  Statement #1 is true

  Statement #2 is true

  Both statements are true

 32. For a simple black and white bitmap image, you only need 1 bit. A 0 could represent a white pixel and a 1 could represent a black pixel. Remember that 1 bit can be either "on" (0) or "off" (1).



 33. __________ is a measure of pixel density, usually measured in dots per inch (dpi). Images on websites usually have a ____________ of 72 dpi.





 34. High quality printed images in books and magazines have a ________ resolution than computer screens. Magazines often use either 300 dpi or even 600 dpi.



