
11 - Cracking and Hacking

 1. Cracking means to gain unauthorised access to a computer in order to commit another crime such as destroying information contained in that system.



 2. Whether the term 'hacking' had an originally positive or negative meaning is disputed.



 3. In most countries, security hacking and cracking without permission are …

  criminal offences

  a smart way to show how clever you are


  civil matters rather than criminal officences

 4. Cracking can also mean breaking into software to disable features such as copy protection.



 5. Which of these is a way to reduce the risk of cracking?

  Opening unknown email attachments

  Shortening your password

  Using an open wifi network

  Avoiding common passwords

 6. What is DEF CON?

  A hacker band

  A large hacker convention

  A military hacker group

  A group of retired hackers

 7. An SQL injection is an example of …

  A type of database error

  A quicker way of writing SQL

  A hacker website

  A security exploit

 8. Which movie contains one of the first references to hacking in film and TV?

  Return of the Jedi (1983)

  Back to the Future (1985)

  Tron (1983)

  Blade Runner (1982)

 9. How did the 414 group of hackers gain access to computers in the early 1980s?

  By brute force methods

  By stealing passwords

  By using common or default passwords

  By special algorithms

 10. The programmer of the Morris Worm in 1988 was the first person …

  to be arrested but found not guilty of a crime under the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

  to be convicted of a crime under the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

  to create malware

  to create a computer virus