
07 - Ethics and Technology

 1. It is legal and ethical to copy the content of an online book without permission and reproduce it for sale on Amazon.



 2. Ethics could be defined as:

  the standards applied to digital use that are important in order to make society operate effectively

  the moral principles and values that pertain to technology and digital usage

  standards of behaviour

  all of these options

 3. Unethical behaviour …

  leads to a loss of respect and goodwill

  all of these options

  can cause anger and hostility towards a person who has operated unethnically

  undermines trust

 4. Many ethical issues are controversial. For example, there are debates about the use of technology in the following areas:

  drone warfare

  cloning and genetic engineering of babies

  self driving cars

  all of these options

 5. Which of the following ethical principles could apply to ICT?

  The Golden Mean: finding a middle way is better than an extreme

  The Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you

  The Categorical Imperative: rules or laws should only be used that would apply to everyone at all times

  All of these options might apply

 6. Utilitarianism is an approach to ethics that means ...

  none of these options

  whatever does the most good for the most number of people is best

  whatever does the most good for the least number of people is best

  computer users may face conflicts and must often make difficult decisions

 7. The British Computer Society has a Code of Conduct.



 8. Which of these is not an ethical principle of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering?

  to maximise revenue at all times

  to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data

  to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action

  to reject bribery in all its forms

 9. The IEEE/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice states that software engineers shall be committed to the health, safety and welfare of ...

  the public

  their friends

  ICT professionals

  experienced coders

 10. Which of the following is an example of cyber bullying?

  Sending someone a rude / abusive text

  Posting an embarrasing picture of your classmate on social media for all to see

  All of these are examples

  Threatening someone in an instant message